Our Mission:
Safe Education.
We raise money in order to provide a safe environment to the student of Rav Yaacov Monsonego from Ohr Torah Middle School and High School!
Our Mission.
The organization was created and is supported by alumni, old friends and new friends of the school Ohr Torah in Toulouse, France.
American Friends of Ohr Torah's goal is to raise money for the benefit of Ohr Torah in Toulouse in order to do our part to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and continued success for all who attend and will attend the school.
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Our Partners.
Our Impact
During our first three campaigns we have consistently raised between $50-70k every year. We have had over 60 different donors and the vast majority of donors come back every year and consistently increase their contributions. This is more than we had anticipated when we started this project and we thank each and every one of you for this incredible show of generosity.
Security cost per year
The Security cost $100.000 per year to the School. Our goal is to cover those expenses to guaranty the kid’s safety.
The School needs over $500.000 each year of donation in order to cover its yearly budget. Rav Monsonego is raising money all around the world in order to reach its goal.
We represent 10% of the School yearly donation. Every year we grow stronger and believe we can reach a higher goal in 2019.