Our Impact.
How much of a help is this to the school? Are we making a difference in the lives of the students there?
The school has currently an annual budget of $1.5 million of which about $1.0 million is funded by a combination of government subsidies and tuition payments. This leaves Rabbi and Mrs. Monsonego with the challenging task of raising $500k every year. So we now represent close to 10% of this effort which is a strong start but we can do even more.
One of the main reason the school need to raise such a large amount every year is the security costs which amount to about $100k per year. Our goal must be for the US campaign to cover this expense. Our group has grown significantly and feel that we can get there.
We often hear the question of why should we use our limited resources to help a school in France when we are now in the US or what is so special about this school?
Well we believe that together, as one, we are stronger and help beyond our origin and boundaries. With the help or talented artists and wonderful community we can have an impact across the ocean and provide safety to the kids.